There is something about the 90’s that is so special, even though we didn’t have MySpace, Play Station or X-BOX. Texting was unheard of – but life was fun; pure!
There is something about the 90’s that is so special, even though we didn’t have MySpace, Play Station or X-BOX. Texting was unheard of – but life was fun; pure!Most of the games were outdoors – hide and seek, soccer, dodge ball, and even climbing trees were simply the things to do and not a soul that grew up then can dispute that! Back then, music was awesome – do not even assume we had mp3 players, IPods and other gadgets you kids have today! We had the walkman – a cassette player. If you needed to listen to a song that you didn’t have on tape, you had to pick up the phone (not mobile) - a land line (and that is if you had one) and send in a request on the radio. If you didn’t have a phone, well – tough!Busses were the most available means of transport, although most of them were so old and cranky that the engine made a thunderous noise every time the bus came to a stop. It was fun riding with your friends to or from school, meeting with students from other schools; we always looked forward to the ride back home. I remember how we used to push the windows wide open and feel the wind on our faces.I’m sure most of you think that was the Stone Age – I mean, who goes out to play soccer when you can play soccer on your iPad, right? Nevertheless, it was our time and I wouldn’t trade it for anything - not even some fancy gadget!