Controlling mobile phone expenses

If there is anything becoming hard and expensive, it is communication. All these things ranging from saying hello friends, running a business, paying bills, texting wedding invitations among others have proved that our life rotates around a tech called mobile phone.

Monday, October 01, 2012

If there is anything becoming hard and expensive, it is communication. All these things ranging from saying hello friends, running a business, paying bills, texting wedding invitations among others have proved that our life rotates around a tech called mobile phone.Statistics from telecoms regulator, Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) indicates that mobile phone users are slightly above 4 million.This means that mobile phones are increasingly becoming an essential and a priority in our lives. Since we cannot do without communicating, controlling related costs is important in order to have a stable and flourishing personal finance. Here are some of ways you can trim your calling and texting bills.Look for low tariffs from providers. One thing you need to understand is that as competition rages on in our telecom industry, service providers are looking at ways how they can attract customers.  They (telecoms) do this through promotions but you must also know that they are always looking at reaping much from you.So always compare tariffs from different providers, check their billing costs and choose the one that suits you. Also make sure that you record the monthly phone expenses. Call when it is necessary. Do not always look at only what these companies advertise because sometimes they cheat clients.At the end of every call try to check your balance and relate it to the previous call, it is common that most providers tend to cheat customers through billing.Cipitalise on chances of free calls, texts and promotionsIt is not bad to switch networks to save your money. Most telecoms now are offering free calls and texts at times when the network is not so much used. Most providers provide free calls at night, so you can shift the not so much important and urgent calls to night hours. Always be on the look out on promotions which normally runs for a longer period of time. There is no need of clinging on the network that is not providing you incentives. Think of getting different sim cards since it is cheaper to call same line.Swallow your pride and use a network that fits you. There is a tendency for most people to cling on the network because others use it or maybe fearing to lose contacts on switching to another network.But you can always use number portability system or divert option on your phone.