We need to do something about traffic jam

Editor,Please advise the Roads Authority to construct ring roads to minimize traffic jam.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Editor,Please advise the Roads Authority to construct ring roads to minimize traffic jam.

We should not depend on a single road to get into or out of the city centre say if one needs to go to Kanombe, there should be other roads to get there in order to alleviate the overgrowing traffic congestion. Thank you for taking it seriously.JJ Kamozo, Kigali-------------------------------------------Editor,Nice article indeed... Roundabouts are definitely security compliant in a growing traffic like Kigali’s. But our road engineers need to advise more on the give-way before entry’s principles which tend to be neglected by drivers in Kigali.Lorenzo, Bujumbura(Reaction to a story titled ‘Oh ye Roundabouts!’ – The New Times, October 1)