Canopy Walk demonstrates growing tourism

Editor,There is no doubt the canopy walk will make Nyungwe National Park a better tourist destination.

Monday, October 01, 2012
People on the Canopy Walk in Nyungwe. The New Times / John Mbanda.

Editor,There is no doubt the canopy walk will make Nyungwe National Park a better tourist destination.

It is an innovation that should be replicated in other East African community ecosystems without further delay.Cornelius Kazoora, Uganda -------------------------------------------------------------

Editor,The Canopy Walk in the Southwestern Rwanda has indeed provided domestic and foreign tourists a unique attraction, and since its launch the number of visitors coming in the country, is increasing day by day. The recent introduction of the Congo-Nile Trail has also attracted lots of tourists. The government’s focus on the tourism sector is commendable and this has seen tourism revenues reach US$183.2 million by the end of the third quarter of 2011, surpassing revenues from both tea and coffee, put together. Wishing institutions like Rwanda Development Board and Private Sector Federation continued success in their initiatives for Rwanda.Eugene Karekezi, Nyamata