I am happy with Gasigwa

Dear editor, Young tennis players like Jean-Claude Gasigwa are needed to help the country tennis standards rise in the region. To remind you, Gasigwa won the second leg of the International Tennis Federation/Confederation of Africa Tennis money circuit which was held in Nairobi, Kenya over the weekend.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dear editor,

Young tennis players like Jean-Claude Gasigwa are needed to help the country tennis standards rise in the region. To remind you, Gasigwa won the second leg of the International Tennis Federation/Confederation of Africa Tennis money circuit which was held in Nairobi, Kenya over the weekend.

He was the only Rwandan present at the tournament. The rest tennis players in the country were not present due to financial constraints which in other wards forced them to rule participating in the regional money circuit.

I therefore call fellow Rwandan citizens to combine our little efforts and sponsor one or two other tennis players to take part in the third leg of the regional tennis money circuit which has shifted to Tanzania now.

If we can manage to send some one to the Tanzania event, then other upcoming tennis players like Gasigwa will be acquired.
