Remera needs mobile toilets

Dear editor, It is clear that some busy parts of Remera are still short of mobile toilets. As you head towards the Remera taxi park from town, just 50meters away from the park, the smell in the area gets filthy.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dear editor,

It is clear that some busy parts of Remera are still short of mobile toilets. As you head towards the Remera taxi park from town, just 50meters away from the park, the smell in the area gets filthy.

This is because that area has turned into a public toilet and it seems to me that the night watchmen are the major suspects here.

The situation is getting worse by the day because no body seems to care. This street employs over ten night watchmen who have deliberately resorted to helping themselves on the street.

I’m therefore appealing to the responsible authorities to look into the issue. One option to curb this vice is to put in place a couple of mobile toilets.

The other option is build public toilets. It is up to you to see what fits into your budget.
