Good move, ATRACO

Dear editor, I think there is every reason to credit ATRACO for trying to come up with all possible ways of curbing the rampant traffic jam in the city center.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dear editor,

I think there is every reason to credit ATRACO for trying to come up with all possible ways of curbing the rampant traffic jam in the city center.

Of recent, it has been frustrating to see endless traffic jam even on the less busy streets of Kigali. It was clear that something was not right.

But like ATRACO’s boss (Col. (rtd) Dodo Twahirwa) recently said, passengers will no longer have to merge at the Rubangura bus stop.

The new arrangement stipulates that taxis will collect passengers wherever they will be along designated roads. It is obvious that this system will be more convenient for everybody (passengers and drivers).

It will also relieve the city from uncalled for congestion which has been a hub for theft especially during the evening hours.

I’m a living victim of this kind of theft. My wallet and phone were recently stolen as I tried to get on to a taxi heading to Remera.
