The 50 year-old who joined secondary school

Gatsibo – A 50 year-old man has joined a secondary school in Gatsibo District as many drop-outs hasten to gain from free and universal 12 years’ basic education introduced by the government.

Sunday, September 30, 2012
The 50 year-old man (C) draws his pleasure from school environment. The Sunday Times / S. Rwembeho.

Gatsibo – A 50 year-old man has joined a secondary school in Gatsibo District as many drop-outs hasten to gain from free and universal 12 years’ basic education introduced by the government. Celestin Nzabandora joined Senior Three at Rwikiniro secondary school in Gatsibo District, after staying out of school for over 30 years. The father of six told The Sunday Times yesterday that he dropped out of school in the early 1980s after his father’s death. "At school, you can’t see any difference between me and the young students...when they see a teacher and run awkwardly, I also run, when they laugh stupidly, I do the same,” he reveals happily."When a chance came, I never hesitated because I dropped not because I was incapable...In any case I was doing well in class” he explains.  "I know by the time I graduate from university I will be of retirement age, but I don’t care. I draw my pleasure from studies, reading books, acquiring knowledge; you know the whole school environment excites me”.Claude Mushimire, 17, Nzabandora’s classmate, said that the man’s presence at the school encourages young learners."This is an old man we respect, in fact he offers perfect example that age is no limitation to education. He is fantastic”!