Aunties Corner

I am a married father of three. My wife, who is a stay at home mom, has developed very strange behavior. When I go to work and children to school, she leaves the house with a group of her friends, and come back home late in the night very drunk.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

I am a married father of three. My wife, who is a stay at home mom, has developed very strange behavior. When I go to work and children to school, she leaves the house with a group of her friends, and come back home late in the night very drunk. One day I decided to follow them in their rendezvous, I was surprised to see them seated in a hotel in a group of very young men. This thing has been going on for the last eight months; I have reached my boiling point. Please helpMike

-----------------------------------------------Dear Mike,Life is a turn of twist. If someone would have come and told you about your wife and her friends, drinking and dining with young men young enough to be their sons- I am sure – you would have refuted that.  But that is water under the bridge now; here is what you have to do to get your marriage back on the track.First step is to sit and talk to your wife. You must call a spade as it is; beating around the bush has never helped anyone, and neither will it help you. For you to be able to get to the root of the problem you must be objective in your discussion.One thing I must ask you not to do is to quickly judge her; there is always a reason as to why some people change from being good to bad. Listen to her pleas and solve the issue and find it in your heart to forgive her.You see, when children are involved in a marriage, then life is no longer yours. Every decision that you make, must be in the interest of those children. So be very careful in the decisions that you will make, keeping in mind that your children need a mother.No one is perfect, so you might want think about forgiving your wife and give her a second chance; if she willing to change for the better.Both men and women cheat for a variety of reasons – due to problems in their relationship, sometimes it is due to their need for intimacy, or because they have a high sex drive – you can never guess the problem until when you confront the person. If you believe that your marriage can be saved, and you are willing to do everything possible to get your wife back, then it is time for you to take action and save the marriage. You must also confront your wife’s friends and let them know what you think of them, if possible they should not be in contact again- these women seem to have a hidden agenda.Forgive and forget the past. Because forgiving without forgetting will not help you much; forgiving your wife for cheating on an intimately and emotionally conscious level, should be your one true goal, and nothing else -then together with your family move on from there for a better future.