Juggling a relationship and a career

I have had discussion in the past with my friends about juggling career, maintaining a healthy marriage/relationship and family. Some say it is difficult while others find it easy; but I say it all starts with you.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

I have had discussion in the past with my friends about juggling career, maintaining a healthy marriage/relationship and family. Some say it is difficult while others find it easy; but I say it all starts with you.It takes two to tango; when couples are career people they must work very hard to make sure that their careers do not come between their marriage / relationship. So how can you juggle your relationship and your career? PrioritizeSometimes life forces us to put more weight on one thing than another. Often, this priority shift means forgoing one goal in exchange for another; like weakening your professional aspirations in return for relationship growth. It is never wise to sacrifice one aspect of your life for another.Prioritizing does not mean sacrifice, it means adjustment. And by building a strong foundation for both your romantic and work life, you can prevent disruption when priorities shift. When it comes to your work, make sure that both your partner and workers know that they are a significant part of your life. When both understand that they are mutually valuable, staying late at the office will not mean that you had rather be at work, nor does taking a personal day mean you do not care about your job.Communicate that both are of high priority and sometimes, as need be, one might take precedence. CompartmentaliseHaving a successful career and a loving relationship is having the best of both worlds. The best way is to keep these two separate worlds happy- just that—keep them separate. That means when you are at work, commit fully to your job, the task at hand, and the needs of your coworkers or managers. Do not let your love life be a distraction. There is plenty of time to daydream outside the office. Instead, spend your workday being productive and you will have more quality time to spend with your beloved later.Likewise, when spending quality time with your partner, do not let work distract your attention. Discuss everything that has got to do with the two of you and your family only.Manage Your TimeThe number one factor in relationship breakdown is lack of time and dedication. Successful professionals who are in relationships know this can be avoided with a little forethought and planning. If your career demands that you work long hours at the end of the month, plan a weekend get-away with your partner the week before so you can share time before your required separation. Equally, after a vacation or break from work, come back to the office energized and eager to get back to your job. Show your boss that even though you value your relationship and personal life, you are similarly devoted to your professional success.Know When to QuitBe mindful of just how much time you are investing in your relationship or your career. If your late work hours are preventing you from taking part in the things you love with your partner, it may be time to re-evaluate your job and career aspirations. Meeting with your boss to establish a more efficient work schedule might be in order.Just remember, success-minded people know that balance is the spice of life. And no matter how well you manage your time, sometimes your life will be more focused on one area than another. Just be sure to assess your goals from time to time, evaluate where you are and where you want to be, and plan accordingly; for your relationship or marriage is equally important as your job.