Using drama to promote inclusiveness

An international charity organisation, Young Women Christian Association (YWCA), has launched a civil sensitisation campaign through drama to help the population change their perception towards the historically marginalised communities.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

An international charity organisation, Young Women Christian Association (YWCA), has launched a civil sensitisation campaign through drama to help the population change their perception towards the historically marginalised communities.To achieve their goal, YWCA is set to distribute thousands of CDs of a play which is intended to sensitise and transform the lives of the marginalised communities in the country.The play, Bangamwabo (they hate their own), portrays the socio-economic and cultural difficulties faced by the historically marginalised groups and the various stereotypes they are subjected to.The play has in the past been staged in various parts of Muhanga, Ruhango and Kamonyi districts of the Southern Province."We realised that wherever we staged it, people welcomed it and got the message”, Therese Mukandoli, the first vice president of YWCA-Rwanda says. "Our worries and preoccupations have been somehow heard”.It is expected that in the first phase, 1000 copies of the 45-minutes play, which mixes drama and comedy, will be distributed in eleven districts across the country."Bangamwabo” was filmed in the districts of Muhanga and Ruhango and was written and directed by Charles Habyarimana.The play features 12 characters, including actors from the marginalised communities.