Agric minister receives Yara Award

The Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Dr Agnes Kalibata, on Thursday received the Yara Award for 2012 for her efforts in ensuring food security in the country.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Dr Agnes Kalibata, on Thursday received the Yara Award for 2012 for her efforts in ensuring food security in the country. She was awarded alongside Dr. Eleni Gabre-Madhin, the outgoing CEO of the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX). The Awards were presented at a colorful ceremony at the new Tanzania Convention Centre in Arusha, Tanzania. In her acceptance speech, Kalibata, told her audience that Rwanda has made tremendous progress in the agricultural sector, citing land consolidation policy that had made it possible for the farmers to increase production. She dedicated the Prize to Rwandan farmers who work tirelessly on their land to earn a decent living.The minister added that as a result of the policy and many other efforts, one million Rwandans had come out of poverty over the last five years, adding that she was optimistic three million more would be lifted out of poverty within the next five years.The Yara Prize is based on nominations of candidates who are carefully evaluated by the Yara Prize Committee. The prize consists of $60,000, which is split between the laureates. The committee agreed that Kalibata had been able to align national agricultural policies with the NEPAD/CAADP frameworks citing the commitment to increase government budget share for agriculture to 10 percent. Rwanda was the first country to adopt a Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) compact.While announcing the winners recently in Oslo, Norway, president and chairman of the Yara Prize committee, Jørgen Ole Haslestad, commended the winners for the substantial work they demonstrated in fighting food insecurity, not only in their countries, but also on the continent.The occasion was graced by eminent personalities from all over the world, including the President of Tanzania Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, the Second Vice President of Zanzibar, Seif Ali Iddi, the Second Vice President of Burundi, Dr Gervais Rufyikiri, the Secretary General of EAC, Dr Richard Sezibera, and the former Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan.