New weighing scales will check cheats

Editor, Thumbs up to RBS for putting weighing system in Kimironko market on track! I am a frequent client of Kimironko market and shopping (especially fruits and vegetables) is my top hobby.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Editor,Thumbs up to RBS for putting weighing system in Kimironko market on track! I am a frequent client of Kimironko market and shopping (especially fruits and vegetables) is my top hobby. A couple of months past, I approached a round (irish) potato vendor, he ‘weighed’ and I paid for 30kgs, but an honest helper whispered in my ear that the actual kilogrammes I paid for are 15. Imagine, the vendor had conned me money worth 15kgs by use of faulty scale. I was furious, I went back and complained and when the vendor realised that I have discovered the trick, he immediately reimbursed but the majority of the potato vendors were angry with the helper who disclosed the secret to me.I called the market security and alerted them for the security of the market helper. To my surprise, as I was sorting things out, many buyers surrounded me and thanked me, most of them said that they are conned daily but they can’t complain. RBS, keep it up!Clement, Remera