Do helmets make you feel safer?

Moto bikes seem like the fastest way to get to places and many people use them because of their convenience. Society’s Pelagie Mbabazi & Agnes Bateta hit the streets and asked people if helmets make them feel safe enough. Below are the reactions.

Thursday, September 27, 2012
Abdallah Temarigwe

Moto bikes seem like the fastest way to get to places and many people use them because of their convenience. Society’s Pelagie Mbabazi & Agnes Bateta hit the streets and asked people if helmets make them feel safe enough. Below are the reactions.  "Helmets come in handy when someone falls off a bike or some other accident so it’s best to wear them. However, motorcylists think that because people are wearing helmets, they can go as fast as they want. Helmets are no excuse for motorists to ride recklessly.”Abdallah Temarigwe, yamirambo Resident. "People shouldn’t wear helmets as an obligation because it is for their own good. I don’t know why some people behave as if they are doing anyone a favour by not wearing them.”Jean Bosco Harelimana, NPD CONTRACO staff."I can’t sit on a moto before I wear the helmet. I just hate the way many of them are never washed or cleaned. I know the idea is to keep me safe but seriously, how am I safe if I’m being exposed to rare diseases coming from the sometimes smelly helmets? Shafik Kabagire, Nyamirambo Resident. "Back home in South Africa, we don’t use motorcycles but I witnessed a terrible encounter in Uganda. Rwanda is making sure it’s citizens are safe and that is why everyone using a motorcycle should wear a helmet.”Marisa Lombaard"People who still feel unsafe even with helmets have clearly never heard the testimony of someone who survived death because they had a helmet on. I know chaps who literally worship those things after surviving an accident.”Baraka Matete, GS Rugando"I know people who have had accidents and suffered serious brain damage because they never wore helmets – so yes, they are safer.”Claude Murwanashyaka, Motorist"From a girl’s perspective, I hate using helmets because they destroy my hairstyle. Sure they keep me safe but not to a great extent because some people wear helmets and still get into ugly accidents.”Judith Mushyimiyimana, student, Rugando Secondary school