Try to be considerate of others

I don’t know if some women are paid to be sadists or they just enjoy being inconsiderate. Now I understand why some people go ‘Jackie Chan’ on others, it’s not that they are uncivilised, but some people really deserve a beating.

Thursday, September 27, 2012
Patrick Buchana

I don’t know if some women are paid to be sadists or they just enjoy being inconsiderate. Now I understand why some people go ‘Jackie Chan’ on others, it’s not that they are uncivilised, but some people really deserve a beating.Some time back, I walked into an office with the urgent need to pick up my papers that I had submitted for notification when I found a woman seated in a leather chair, stretching her hands across the wooden mahogany table. In her hand were my papers and she quickly screamed, "Get your papers and go back to the bank, your payment is short of FRW200.” With my current emergency, I quickly rushed to the bank. When I got back to the office, the woman screamed, "Its four minutes past midday and we don’t notify past that time.”For a moment, this sounded like a joke so I smiled at her and asked to be pardoned as I had been in the same office just 20 minutes earlier. To my dismay, the lady seriously asked me to leave her office and come back three days later after when she would be notifying again. The smile on my face vanished instantly and I was now motionless, in shock and trying very hard to look as desperate as I could. I asked her to be a little more considerate as I needed my papers notified right away and I was hopeless. Thinking it would work, I begged and pleaded with her to help me out. "It’s not my fault you took this long to get your papers notified. So leave my office and let me enjoy my lunch,” she said with face that didn’t even seem bothered. After that response and the look on her face, even the Devil would be afraid of this one. In my head I wondered if kneeling down would change anything. With some hope still in me, I decided to sweet talk her but trust me it just angered her even more. She asked her secretary to come lock her office as she led me out. If there was a ‘mean competition’ in the Commonwealth games, trust me this lady would be carrying gold medals around her shoulders.