Idiocy’s bliss has its limits

Yeah, I’s not cool to be stupid at all! I have eavesdropped on the most idiotic conversations known to man. Conversations where people talk like bonafide fools and leave me with no choice but to try to comprehend how anyone can be so blissfully stupid!

Thursday, September 27, 2012
Rachel Garuka

Yeah, I’s not cool to be stupid at all! I have eavesdropped on the most idiotic conversations known to man. Conversations where people talk like bonafide fools and leave me with no choice but to try to comprehend how anyone can be so blissfully stupid! I used to spend way too much time going over why stuff happened and what it all meant. It was exhausting. I wondered how great life would be if everyone was just ‘simple’. I thought about how easy it would be to go through life not second-guessing or allowing the board in my head to consume precious hours at a time trying to make a decision. Life seemed harder that way. If we just had ‘simple’ minds, it would be easy.However, much as I want this ‘uncomplicated’ life, I have no kind words for people with no aptitude to say something smart even once. It’s just not acceptable, especially if given the chance to go to school and have a brain upgrade. I’m not saying we should all be smart, because we are not, but once in a while, a little intellect (or something related to it) would be nice.I read an article where a 19-year-old girl in Manchester thought Nelson Mandela is the president of Africa. Okay, some will say she’s only 19, others will say at least she knows Mandela is from Africa. I say, if you do not know something, don’t say anything at all. It’s better to be branded a fool than to speak and have all doubt erased!Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist or brain surgeon to be smart. So hypothetically, if you are a little slow when it comes to science or politics, can you hold your own in religion, art, food, culture, history or just basic common sense? It’s okay to be silly, it’s just not okay to be silly all the time. Personally, I have the utmost respect for people who never turn down a chance to learn something new. I love it when someone is not too proud to ask what something means or what is happening here and there. I do it all the time, because I know there are people out there so smart, it is in my best interest to follow their lead.Every time I read a book, I learn something new, be it a word, phrase or simple fact. And if there’s one thing I’ve truly learned - you are never too old to learn something new.