Governance Board, GIZ enter capacity building deal

The Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) has entered into an agreement with the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) to support capacity building programmes and ensure citizen participation in the implementation of decentralisation programmes.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012
RGB Deputy CEO Felicien Usengumukiza (L) with GIZu2019s Marion Fischer after signing the agreement on Tuesday. The New Times / John Mbanda.

The Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) has entered into an agreement with the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) to support capacity building programmes and ensure citizen participation in the implementation of decentralisation programmes.The deal was signed Tuesday in Kigali by Marion Fischer, principal advisor, in GIZ and Dr Felicien Usengumukiza, the deputy CEO, research and monitoring, at RGB.Under the deal, the two institutions will decide on the plans and projects to implement and agree on various planning periods. Usengumukiza said the agreement will have a positive impact."There are various projects we want to implement together, like physical decentralisation, capacity building in various institutions, technical assistance in research areas and service delivery in various domains,” said Usengumukiza."I can’t identify the amount we are supposed to get from GIZ, we will work together to see which projects we need to implement”.Fischer said they will first develop an implementation plan and then the money will be disbursed accordingly."It is very important to see what plans are in the project because we need to use all the money planned for,” she said.