Prezzo, Bamboo and Abbas are the kings

They may not be topping the local charts at the moment but Prezzo, Bamboo and Abbas Kubbaf are still one of Kenya’s Hip-hop favourites.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Bamboo.Net photo.

They may not be topping the local charts at the moment but Prezzo, Bamboo and Abbas Kubbaf are still one of Kenya’s Hip-hop favourites.The three shared a stage last week Thursday during the launch of EABL’s Pilsner King of Bold. They had the crowd singing and dancing to each of their songs word for word.The most entertaining was Prezzo’s dramatic entrance as he was hoisted up on the new look bottle. Prezzo had kept the crowd waiting for almost an hour as he was ‘caught up in traffic’ with his visiting Nigerian girlfriend Goldie.The launch by East Africa Breweries Ltd was a part of renewing and rejuvenating its iconic brand Pilsner Lager through a marketing platform dubbed ‘King of Bold’. The Star