Keep politics out of the bedroom

Dear It a Guy Thing This guy I’m seeing is really great and we have good challenging conversations. However, we don’t see eye to eye about certain issues. Very important issues.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dear It a Guy ThingThis guy I’m seeing is really great and we have good challenging conversations. However, we don’t see eye to eye about certain issues. Very important issues. We don’t vote for the same political party. Some people have told me to leave politics out of the bedroom but him and I are very much involved in the work of our political parties and this sometimes arises during our time together. How can we address this slight problem or is there no hope for people who have different strong political beliefs?Michelle

---------------------------------------------Dear Michelle,I assume that when you talk of divergent political views, I hope that you don’t mean that they are so different that it’s like MRND and RPF! Different viewpoints are the things that keep the fun in a relationship; imagine if we were all the same? It would be ghastly. You don’t want to date a clone of yours. Honestly, I think that the two of you need to discuss this issue and move on. Losing a great relationship because of differing political views is silly. As long as you treat each other with respect, I don’t see how this can be a problem.If you have queries, contact,