President Kagame addresses UN General Assembly

President Paul Kagame on Tuesday urged the global community to find effective ways of preventing and solving conflicts. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

President Paul Kagame on Tuesday urged the global community to find effective ways of preventing and solving conflicts. 

The President, addressing the UN General Assembly, said while it may seem that conflict is perennial and its forms increasingly destructive, there is the urgent task of seeking more effective ways to prevent, manage and solve it.

"The loss we witness or experience on a daily basis – in terms of human life and devastation – is unacceptable. Additionally, at a time when wide scale poverty robs too many people of realising their full potential in life, conflict also detracts us from development,” he said.

He added there is need to appreciate that many conflicts are caused when people are, or feel excluded from full participation in the affairs of their country, particularly around issues that affect their everyday lives.

"Even a cursory look at the conflict hot-spots around the world shows us the dangerous consequences of a disenfranchised and despondent citizenry. Durable solutions can only come from an inclusive approach to both politics and development.”