30 detained over illicit brew in Huye

HUYE – Police in Huye district have arrested 29 individuals suspected of dealing and consuming drugs and other illicit beverages.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

HUYE – Police in Huye district have arrested 29 individuals suspected of dealing and consuming drugs and other illicit beverages.According to a police source, the operation was carried out in the areas of Matyazo and Kaburemera, on the outskirts of Huye town.The areas are known for being a den of drug dealers and consumers, with many involved in the making, selling and consumption of the illicit liquor Kanyanga and Nyirantare.Nyirantare is produced using several ingredients, including water, sugar, sorghum and yeast, but sources allege that brewers use other crude materials as ingredients.By press time, all the suspects were being detained at Ngoma Police Station as they waited to be aligned before courts of law. Drug consumption is regarded as the major cause of crimes in the district. Speaking from their detention, the suspects acknowledged their role in drug dealing and consumption, but requested for mercy.Last week, Police said it arrested 81 people and seized 185kg of marijuana and over 806 litres of illicit liquor (kanyanga) during an operation carried out across the country.