Rainmakers: timeless mystery in Uganda

The legend of rainmakers has always been in Uganda, a country neighbouring Rwanda. Rainmakers were traditionally commissioned to make rain in times of drought and stop it during celebrations and functions.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Rainmakers and concerts. Net photo

The legend of rainmakers has always been in Uganda, a country neighbouring Rwanda. Rainmakers were traditionally commissioned to make rain in times of drought and stop it during celebrations and functions. Yesterday, they are said to have broken into the lucrative event business in Kampala, to the extent that they can get allocations in wedding and concert budgets. Of course, it depends on how permissive the person who calls the shots is.Radio personality Roger Mugisha, who also happened to be an emcee at the Demarco show, says that as the show began, there was just a slight drizzle, a pretext that pushed at least five rainmakers, each of them on their own, to approach the event’s organisers."Rainmakers have become event bullies. They walk into concerts and say it will rain if they do not get paid at least Sh500, 000. At the Demarco show, one actually requested for sh1m and wanted to be part of the budget,” says Mugisha.Mugisha, however, said that he dismissed them based on his faith. "I am a Christian, I do not believe in witchcraft!” he says. No one paid attention to the demands of these alleged mystic men. It kept threatening to rain and finally did just as one of the main acts hit the stage. Most of the revellers retreated or disappeared. Well, that could just be a coincidence.”Rainmakers real?When it comes to rainmakers and events, there is one man who credits his steady run of successful concerts to keep them in the fold.Balaam Barugahara, the seasoned promoter behind some of the well-attended shows like Chameleone’s "Valu Valu” concert, is unapologetic about procuring the services of rainmakers. He openly advocates for them to be a part of concert organising."One of the reasons concerts flop is that people forget to hire rainmakers. These people can actually stop the rain and save you money lost,” says Barugahare, a successful show promoter. New Vision