Agaciro: A lesson from Rwanda

Editor, This campaign proves beyond reasonable doubt the trust that the Rwandan citizens in and out of the country have in their government to manage public resources.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Members of the Private Sector Federation hand over a chaque worth Rwf 1000 million as part of Agaciro Fund contribution. The New Times T. Kisambira.

Editor,This campaign proves beyond reasonable doubt the trust that the Rwandan citizens in and out of the country have in their government to manage public resources.It’s sad that we cannot say the same for many other African countries. I got this feedback from the friends with whom I shared the first articles from The New Times newspaper on this drive. Most of them pointed out how they themselves would not even consider giving money to a development fund managed by the government because they have no trust in their government. There is too much corruption and leaders don’t seem to care about the people but themselves and thus lack the credibility to manage funds efficiently. Wise African leaders ought to learn from the Agaciro Development Fund in Rwanda and the spirit behind it to appreciate the need for trust of citizens in their government. I commend the Rwandan government for being at the forefront of the fight against poverty using homegrown solutions, promoted by the citizens themselves. Waiting on the rest of the world to rescue us will not get us anywhere as Dr. Dambisa Moyo explains it in her book "Dead Aid”.I also commend the Rwandan people for their trust in their government. And I believe other Africans can do the same but, first, their governments need to earn this trust.Richard Nuwagaba, Kampala