Dealing with asthma

Some kids get asthma.Some kids never get asthma. Illnesses are not fair to kids. Asthma isn’t fair to anyone.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Always have an inhaler on you. Net photo.

Some kids get asthma.Some kids never get asthma. Illnesses are not fair to kids. Asthma isn’t fair to anyone.

What is it?Wheez...cough...pant...can’t breathe out

What causes it?

Your genes [it is passed down from someone in your family].Things that trigger an asthma attack;- Having a cold- Exercise- Air pollution- Smoke- Animal fur- Dust and cold airWhat helps? Inhalers with special air for people with asthma attacks are given to them. Do you have one? Have your inhaler with you at all times.