I love Bourbon, but we need another hangout

When hanging at the MTN Centre, especially Monday through Friday, one thing sure to catch your eye is the entire population of Green Hills Academy flooding through every corrido

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

When hanging at the MTN Centre, especially Monday through Friday, one thing sure to catch your eye is the entire population of Green Hills Academy flooding through every corridor. Whether you’re in the German Butchery or Bourbon Café, the place is swarmed with students from Green Hills.  However, much as they are the highest number, students from other schools also flock MTN after school hours. It’s literally impossible for a teenager to not bump into someone they know, whether they are from KICS, Green Hills or ISK. So why is the MTN Centre such a popular spot for teens? To be honest, it seems like the only place to go!The fact is teens need a place to hang out after school other than Bourbon, because it is getting boring. Because I’m bored with the same spot and being called ‘a regular’, I decided to do some research and find out which other spots in Kigali are teen friendly. Have you tried out The Mamba Club and with its bowling alley? Situated in Kimihurura, some teens might find it an inconvenience because transport isn’t easily accessible unless a moto is used. Places like Shokola Lite are great choices as well; however, they are somewhat far from most schools and again, an inconvenience. The Manor Hotel is also a good option, but the serene atmosphere does not agree with noisy teenagers. However, as teens, instead of complaining about no places to go, how about we visit different places and see what they have to offer? How about the Nyarutarama Tennis Club? Or Quickuku in Gaculiro? See...there is a start! Let us take our love for chilling and procrastinating homework and put it to good use!    The writer is a 16 year old junior at KIC