Uniforms aren’t all that bad

Like any other teenager, I started college with great enthusiasm. I was filled with images of endless fun, laughter, picnics and outings with friends, wearing all the outfits in the latest fashion and so much more. I don’t know if the cause of my excitement was because of the way college is portrayed in the movies!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Uniforms are smart and more appropriate for kids. Net photo.

Like any other teenager, I started college with great enthusiasm. I was filled with images of endless fun, laughter, picnics and outings with friends, wearing all the outfits in the latest fashion and so much more. I don’t know if the cause of my excitement was because of the way college is portrayed in the movies!I literally didn’t mind running up and down when it came to admission and registration – to me, the beginning of a free life had started. Imagine my shock after all the formalities were completed when I was told that there is a prescribed uniform for all students. I was shocked – to say the least. I smelled rebellion at the thought of my fundamental right to dress anyway I pleased being clamped upon. Unfortunately, I had no choice or say in the matter whatsoever and had to obey the diktat of the college authorities. As D-day arrived, I had butterflies in my stomach when I got there. I spotted a couple of freshmen looking around with great curiosity like nursery kids at school for the first time. Seeing them all wearing the uniform gave me some solace. As I moved around, I saw seniors also wearing uniform. This soothed my aching heart and mind largely.  Now it made sense and if I had any doubt that only freshmen were bullied into wearing uniform, all was clear now. Since I have worn a uniform from the day I started school, I have become accustomed to it and I realize its advantages. All students look alike when they don the uniform. This cancels any discrimination that would have otherwise surfaced due to fact that the youngsters are different. It gives a dignified and scholarly look to a student. In addition, less time is spent wondering what to wear the next day. Distractions of any kind, mostly concerning fashion, are most evident in young minds.  Without these distractions, students focus more on studies and career building. After all, this is the sole principle we join college.Unlike my friends in other colleges, I don’t have to bother about maintaining my wardrobe all the time or worrying about what to wear daily. You have plenty of time for ‘cool outfits’ after you complete your studies.