My turn in the Nursery

Last Sunday was my turn in the nursery to work. My heart wasn’t in it, and my feelings were hurt.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Last Sunday was my turn in the nursery to work.

My heart wasn’t in it, and my feelings were hurt.

A child from its mother did not want to part.

And cried a lot with it’s broken heart.

I prayed that soon the hour would end.

That I could relax felt good to be free.

I said once a month was too much for me!

That very next Sunday as I sat in the pew.

A very good sermon, but visitors were few.

But down came a woman and her soul was saved;

And she was the mother of the crying babe.

Then it dawned on me that I had been a part of one being saved

giving God her heart.

From that day one, I would never dread

Working in the nursery while souls were being fed.
