Bralirwa to renew league sponsorship

THE 2012/13 National Football league will continue to be sponsored by Rwanda’s leading brewery Bralirwa Ltd, who agreed to renew its commitment over the weekend.

Monday, September 24, 2012

THE 2012/13 National Football league will continue to be sponsored by Rwanda’s leading brewery Bralirwa Ltd, who agreed to renew its commitment over the weekend.Bralirwa Director of Sales and Marketing, Jan van Velzen said, "This sponsorship will be a strong platform for the Primus brand to connect with its consumers.  It is a winning combination of the most popular sport and the most favored beer in Rwanda.”"With the extension of this sponsorship, Bralirwa, with its flagship brand Primus, have renewed its commitment to bring enjoyment to its consumers’’ added Velzen.The sponsorship package, from which 47 per cent of the amount will directly benefit clubs through prize money and participation fees, is expected to improve the standard of local football."Participating in the development of football in Rwanda and supporting the development of school-football is part of Bralirwa’s commitments as a socially responsible company."Bralirwa is and will always be involved in sport. Stimulating people, bringing enjoyment and giving talent a chance to step up are very important values for us,” explained Bralirwa Managing Director Jonathan Hall.Both Ferwafa and Bralirwa are set to officially announce the details of the agreement before the end of this month.Every year, Bralirwa engages in a variety of sporting events. This year, Bralirwa, through its brand Sprite, brought the famous NBA basketball player, Luol Deng from Chicago Bulls, to Kigali.And through its brand Coca-Cola, Bralirwa supported the 4th edition of COPA Coca-Cola interschool football tournament. This sponsorship received over Rwf 40 million from Bralirwa for the last four years.Through their Primus brand, Bralirwa sponsored the top flight league for last three seasons in a deal worth Rwf335m that also included putting some of that money in the second division league and sponsoring a pre-season tournament featuring top four clubs.