Jiji and the crocodiles

There once lived a man called Jiji. He had a big family in a land far away. For along time rain was not falling and food became a rare thing in that land.

Monday, May 26, 2008

There once lived a man called Jiji. He had a big family in a land far away. For along time rain was not falling and food became a rare thing in that land.

One day Jiji decided to leave home and go to the land across the river to look for food for his family. So he set off with his bag and when he reached the river he found that there was no bridge to cross over and there were crocodiles in that river.

The biggest crocodile then asked "What do you want from my river?"

Jiji replied "Big Crocodile I want to cross over to the other side of the river."

"No one ever crosses my river unless you want to be eaten." said the big crocodile.

Jiji thought for a very long time and then told the crocodile, if you help me to cross the river to the other side and bring me back without your friends eating me, I will give you food which will make you very beautiful like the white birds that fly in the air."

The crocodile became very happy and told him to sit on his back. The crocodile took him and some of the other crocodiles wanted to eat him. Big Crocodile told them not to eat him because he was going to give them food which will make them beautiful like the birds of the air.

When Jiji reached the dry land he found a house in the trees. He entered it and found so many big crocodile eggs. He was very hungry so he closed the door and started eating them. He stayed there and ate for many days and grew fat.

When it was time to go back home, he filled his bag with many eggs so that he could also give his family. He then went and told the big crocodile to take him back. The other crocodiles demanded for the food he had promised or else they will eat him.

Father crocodile told them "If you eat him, we shall all remain ugly, wait and he goes and gets it for us." But the crocodiles did not know that he had taken their eggs. So Jiji sat on the back of the big crocodile and went.

When they were almost reaching, the other crocodiles were following them and shouting saying, "That man has stolen our eggs!" Father crocodile did not hear and asked Jiji what they were saying. Jiji replied "They are saying hurry up we want to become beautiful."

He hurried. When they reached the river bank Jiji jumped off the crocodiles back and started running off because he knew that if the other crocodiles found him they would eat him.

Father crocodile got to know that he was tricked and he was not a happy crocodile. He told all the crocodiles never to allow any man to cross the river again because Jiji took their eggs and lied to them. This is why crocodiles eat people up to this day.
