EABC gets new boss

The East African Business Council (EABC), the umbrella arm of the private sector in the region, has a new boss.

Monday, September 24, 2012
Agatha Nderitu, outgoing Executive Director.

The East African Business Council (EABC), the umbrella arm of the private sector in the region, has a new boss.A statement from EACB said that the outgoing Executive Director, Agatha Nderitu, handed over to Andrew Luzze.Nderitu served as EABC chief since 2008 when she joined the Council as Marketing and Communications Manager before rising to the position of Executive Director in 2010 after exhibiting outstanding and excellent work.While making her last keynote speech, Nderuti commended all the regional institutions and governments.The new director pledged to continue playing an advocacy role for the regional private sector. "In furtherance of our vision, we will also extend and further our activities and services beyond policy and advocacy into other areas that will add value to our members,” Luzze said. He requested for support from EABC members, board of directors, partners, EAC secretariat and EABC colleagues while fulfilling his mandate as Executive Director.Nderitu would be remembered for advocating for the removal of trade barriers that hampers regional trade and derails the integration.She has a broad intellectual background in international studies which include International Economic Policy Analysis; International Economics; International Economic Law and International Political Economy, complemented by over 13 years practical experience working with both the private and public sectors, with a strong communications, marketing and sales.