We need to investigate these human rights groups

Editor, Human Rights Watch, International Crisis Group, Reporters Sans Frontiere, Amnesty International, all claim to work for the truth, freedom, equal rights, you name it. But is this true?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Editor,Human Rights Watch, International Crisis Group, Reporters Sans Frontiere, Amnesty International, all claim to work for the truth, freedom, equal rights, you name it. But is this true?They are also Western experts. In some circles, these groups are believed just because they are Westerners, as if they speak nothing but the truth and are unbiased.A few days ago, Albert Rudatsimburwa of Contact FM revealed a number of incriminating facts against Human Rights Watch. I wonder why there is no African institution investigating such dishonesty.Rukara, Dakar ------------------------------------------Editor,Wow, good piece Mr. Joseph Rwagatare. I believe that unless the Congolese people stand up for themselves, they will always be refugees and create more work for UN which of course is their wish. How sad!Amyamylove84@gmail.com             ---------------------------------------------Editor,DRC needs help to put proper administration in place. There should be an international conference on DRC.  This country should be divided into small self-governing provinces following the model of Canada or United States. It is too big for inexperienced leaders to govern this country.With many states reporting to the Federal government, at least some states would prosper more than the others and that would encourage a healthy competition. DRC has lots of natural resources that would not only benefit the people of this country but also the world if properly used.Justin Rwema, Kigali(Reactions to the opinion, Why Congo will never get it right,” – The New Times, September, 18).