700 condom vending machines to be installed

The ongoing installation of condom vending machines will see more 700 installed in various entertainment spots and social places across the country.

Sunday, September 23, 2012
A Man buys condoms from a public dispenser. More of these machines are to be installed. The Sunday Times / File

The ongoing installation of condom vending machines will see more 700 installed in various entertainment spots and social places across the country.The National Programme Officer of HIV and Comprehensive Condom Programme under UNFPA, Andrew Gasozi Ntwali, told The Sunday Times that at least over 600 have been installed.To enable the exercise take effect, Population Service International (PSI) went into partnership with Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) and the United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA)"We are now considering sensitization campaigns to educate the public on how these machines are operated since they are new models,” said Ntwali.He explained that one of the major causes that have resulted in the failure of some machines was poor handling due to lack of skills to operate them. The initiative to install condom machines, especially in public places and entertainment spots, is in line with enabling easy access to.However, concerns have been raised that the condom vending machines are not reliable not only due to breakdown but also being empty when clients need them. "Responding to the concern, Ntwali who also provides technical support to RBC, called on the people in charge of the machines to take responsibility."When we install the machines, we make sure the initial stock gives the bar owner at least a profit of 70,000. It is therefore responsible for them to take responsibility to bring more condoms since it also keeps them in business,” he said.According to him, it is not possible for RBC to always bring free condoms for others or bar owners and other entertainment spots to profit.The Country Representative of PSI, Zacch Akinyemi, said that the partnership will bring an effective mechanism through which condom machines will be monitored.