A rat on my fingers

Last night I had rice, chips and fish as my supper and when I finished eating the delicious food, mummy told me to wash my hands properly before I went to bed as usual.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Last night I had rice, chips and fish as my supper and when I finished eating the delicious food, mummy told me to wash my hands properly before I went to bed as usual.

But since I was eating while watching my favourite cartoons, sleep took me by surprise and I forgot to clean my hands as mummy had told me.

So when I was deep in sleep, I felt some thing cold and at the same time itchy on my fingers. At first I did mind because I felt good.

But after some time it started paining. I discovered that it was a rat eating up my fingers.

I was so much scared and called daddy for help, I narrated the whole story to him and we went in the sitting room to find out what had happened on my fingers.

"Oh….sorry my boy the rat was trying to eat your fingers. Did you wash well your fingers at night when you hand finished having your supper"? Daddy asked.

When he asked me the question, my mind went back to mummy’s words. I remembered that sleep over took me before I cleaned my fingers. I told daddy what happened and he applied some medicine on my wound.

I am very alright now and my wound has healed for good. Dear fellow toddlers it is always good to wash your hands before and after eating.

Never forget to wash your hands well because at one time you will tell a story like me. Keep your hands clean always.
