I hate people who…

…smoke and drink just to fit in.  I know you may have seen all the glossy beer and cigarette adverts that are meant to think smoking and drinking is the coolest thing you can do with your life.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

…smoke and drink just to fit in. I know you may have seen all the glossy beer and cigarette adverts that are meant to think smoking and drinking is the coolest thing you can do with your life. And I have no problem with anyone who chooses to drink or smoke unless the reason is simply to fit in. I hate people who think that in order to be accepted in certain social circles they should light a cigarette or swallow litres and litres of alcohol. Look here you jokers; if you do all this just to fit in I think you are simply trying to fit in a coffin. May you rest in peace.       …give strange names to their business premises.  I now have evidence that some people have more money than wisdom. I am talking about all those rich people who do dumb things almost making you wish they had used their money for a brain transplant. For example how can you name a hotel Lemigo? If you listen carefully the name means let me go. So why would you name your beautiful hotel after a phrase that means going (away). As if that is not enough, this hotel has got a night club named Golemi. Ok seriously what is that supposed to mean. …think that being a boss means being anti-social. I wonder where some people learn certain habits from but to be honest.  I hate people who think that being a boss means not talking to those below you. I am talking about those lousy fellows who after being made bosses they want to be feared instead of respected. The ones who think that greeting those they meet in the corridors is a waste of time. These jokers forget that one day the job will be gone and the same people they looked at as trash will be the ones who can help them.  …never have the courtesy to call back. I have tried to request the Ministry of Education to think about asking mobile phone companies to teach people basic telephone etiquette before they are allowed to own a phone with a SIM card. How do you explain the bad manners that some people exhibit with their phones these days? If you find a missed call why don’t you call back? I am angrier with the brainless fellows who hand the customer care lines and never call you back only waiting for you to call 100 times so that a fault is fixed. And I thought the country was working on fixing the customer care situation. …pretend they don’t know what you need. Thank God I have this column where I can pour my rants every week. I think if I did not have this chance I would be busy deleting some names from my phone book. Yes I hate those people who say they are my friends but when they see me standing waiting for a taxi during the rush hour all they do is hoot and then wave. Hey, can’t you stop and give a brother a lift to town? So what am I supposed to do after you have waved? Tell those next to me that I have lousy friends with cars but no decency to offer me a lift? Next time stop and open the door or just drive without waving. Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293