Doing what you love Vs making more money

I’M sure if you are a fresh graduate like me you have heard of this a number of times “Do what you love and the money will follow”.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

I’M sure if you are a fresh graduate like me you have heard of this a number of times "Do what you love and the money will follow”. At first I thought it was a trick employers use to keep their costs low. But over the past few months I have come to realize that this statement actually has some truth to it. In the last few months, I’ve tried to have the same conversation with a few different people. I wonder if I should just get a job to make money or follow my passion.Many fresh college graduates (including myself) are facing that exact dilemma--should I just get a job, or should I follow my passion and may be even create an amazing business I can call my own?My practical advice to my fellow fresh graduates, maintain a steady job or career path, but find a way to integrate your passions into your lifestyle .Passion in itself is powerful. It can be a driving force behind our motivation.Nobody ever knows that their passion will bring them money, you doubt a lot at the beginning. But if you ask any entrepreneur, they will tell you not making a move will not let you know if you were right or wrong and they will tell you that even if they don’t make money right away, at least they do what they love and get that inner satisfaction.If you are passionate enough for doing what you love, then there are no limits, no obstacles. I’m sure those who are fortunate thanks to their passion are those who had enough guts to take a risk.