Bachelors and grabbing the wedding bouquets

THERE’S that thrilling moment of grabbing the bouquet from the bride when she throws it, that every unmarried girl looks forward to at a wedding. It’s a common belief that when you grab that bouquet then you are next among those getting off the spinster’s shelf. Many girls will madly run and jump to grab that bouquet all in anticipation of being the next ones to get married.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

THERE’S that thrilling moment of grabbing the bouquet from the bride when she throws it, that every unmarried girl looks forward to at a wedding. It’s a common belief that when you grab that bouquet then you are next among those getting off the spinster’s shelf. Many girls will madly run and jump to grab that bouquet all in anticipation of being the next ones to get married.Well, I am not sure if this bouquet grabbing trend works miracles of getting girls down the aisle but all I am certain about, it’s a girl thing and it would be clearly insane seeing a guy tussling with girls to grab the bouquet.However, these days, the bachelors are also into this flower grabbing habit. Recently at a friend’s wedding I witnessed this with my very own eyes.A smartly dressed gentleman clad in a suit, joined the many girls who were all standing behind the bride waiting to grab the bouquet. We all thought he was just standing there, probably waiting or someone yet he was actually waiting to grab the bouquet as well.He had positioned himself well and was determined to be the one to grab the wedding luck giving flower.It was a funny seeing him jumping and struggling to grab it along the other girls. He boldly grabbed the bouquet and was excited he did. He didn’t even for a micro-second have any sign of shame for having grabbed it yet he clearly knows it’s only a girl thing.Being among those who wanted to grab the bouquet, I most definitely confronted him about his actions. He told me he believed that grabbing the bouquet would work the same magic for him like it does for many girls.According to this gentleman (I’m not sure I should even call him that) one of the things he looks out for at wedding is grabbing the bouquet but luck had never been on his side until this last wedding.While all the other girls were hurling insults at him, he wasn’t minding them but rather excited that he was going to be the next one to get married.Okay believing in these bouquet grabbing things is a topic for another time but then seriously which guy scrambles among ladies to grab a bouquet in belief that they will be the next to get married?It actually makes you the guys with this habit, look like you’re cowards and therefore afraid to make moves or ask for a girl’s hand in marriage if you are running after flowers.Well, live this habit to the girls because it also makes you look gay. Gentlemen, be bold enough to ask ladies out on a date or even their hand in marriage but don’t go scrambling for the wedding bouquets please.