Tell Chaka

Ihave been told that there a number of children who have developed the habit of missing classes claiming that they are sick.

Monday, May 26, 2008

have been told that there a number of children who have developed the habit of missing classes claiming that they are sick.

Others study half a day and when it comes in the evening they disappear for good until morning.

My friends what you are doing is very bad. Did you know that when you dodge classes you miss a lot?

Your presence in class means a lot for your education. If you dodge classes hoping that your fellow friends will give you the notes or teach you what the teacher taught them, then you are wrong.

Teachers provide first class knowledge so if you are absent, you miss a lot. Missing classes leads to poor performance and some times makes one repeat the class.

Students who are fond of dodging classes are never favoured by their teachers. Good students are the ones who obey the school rules and regulations.

If you know that you are among the group of children who play such tricks better change your mind because you will never perform when dodging classes.

Education is the key to your bright future, never play with your studies. Make your parents and guardians happy by performing well and being disciplined at school.
