Kigali veterans' team to play for Peace

A team of 15 players from Kigali veterans' football team has left for Kampala, Uganda to participate in the Great Lakes Region ‘Peace Soccer Tournament’. The tournament is being organized by their Ugandan counterparts.

Friday, September 21, 2012

A team of 15 players from Kigali veterans' football team has left for Kampala, Uganda to participate in the Great Lakes Region ‘Peace Soccer Tournament’. The tournament is being organized by their Ugandan counterparts.

The Rwanda veterans’ team is scheduled to play against the Ugandan ex-combatants on Saturday at Makerere University Sports grounds.

Addressing the Rwandan Team before departure, the chairman of Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Commission, Jean Sayinzoga urged the players to show maximum discipline and bring victory home.

"You ought to understand that discipline coupled with determination leads to victory," Sayinzoga said, adding that the RDRC will continue contributing to building peace and harmony in the region through sports activities and interaction.

Other teams to participate in the Great Lakes football competition include teams from Burundi and DR Congo.

Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Commission has, since its inception supported peace initiatives in the region as a way to create sustainable peace in the region.