Rwanda Day is a triumph of our values

The second Rwanda Day celebrations kick off today in Boston, Massachusetts, with thousands of Rwandans, young and old, coming together in patriotic tandem to celebrate what binds them together; the love of the country they all proudly call home.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The second Rwanda Day celebrations kick off today in Boston, Massachusetts, with thousands of Rwandans, young and old, coming together in patriotic tandem to celebrate what binds them together; the love of the country they all proudly call home.Under the theme, "Agaciro, The Journey Continues’, the two-day event will provide an opportunity for Rwandans living in North America, Europe and other parts of the world to interact with their counterparts from back home and discuss the country’s progress and challenges. The highlight of the celebration will be the attendance of President Paul Kagame.This kind of exchange is extremely important because it allows Rwandans living in the Diaspora to feel that they are a part of Rwanda’s renaissance while allowing those inside the country to tap into the knowledge and skills their counterparts possess. The theme is extremely timely, particularly in light of the current international pressure that’s unfairly meted out on Rwanda.Showing the entire world that Rwandans remain unbowed and full of pride and self-worth is something that Rwanda Day will do. Obviously, some people will attempt to spoil the party, as they tried last year in Chicago, but once again, they will fail.The disgruntled, corrupt and mercenary elements will not be able to affect in any way, the joy and happiness that the Rwandan community will enjoy.We wish all the participants a wonderful two days.