We should not accept poor services

Editor, We all have it in our power to help raise service standards in our country. Notwithstanding the Rwandan spirit of Kwihangana (to be patient), each of us should refuse to accept substandard service.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Editor,We all have it in our power to help raise service standards in our country. Notwithstanding the Rwandan spirit of Kwihangana (to be patient), each of us should refuse to accept substandard service.

Only when business operators and officials realise there is a cost to failing to satisfy their customers and the public users of their services will they have sufficient incentives to ensure customer-client satisfaction.So, next time the service you receive from a hotel, restaurant, government office or any other institution in Rwanda falls short of minimum expectations, don’t just shrug, raise holy hell and make sure the offending provider has sufficient reason not to fail you or any other customer in the future.Mwene Kalinda


Thank you PM! But all this applies to the public offices as well, right? Unfortunately your people are not always doing what you are saying here. I remember that when I was still working for a certain media house, I tried in vain to have an interview with you, but ask your adviser how often I called him, how often he promised to call back and also, how often he refused to pick up the phone!Jean, Kimironko(Reaction to the opinion piece by Prime Minister Pierre Damien Habumuremyi titled, "Customer Service in Rwanda: A lot more still needs to be done” – The New Times, September 19)