Are women from Planet Makeup?

If I find myself in a judge’s presence charged with a bias for women who wear tonnes of makeup, I will plead guilty without any hesitation!  Even with claws directed at me from every angle, I still insist some women take their love for makeup to another level.

Thursday, September 20, 2012
Martin Bishop

If I find myself in a judge’s presence charged with a bias for women who wear tonnes of makeup, I will plead guilty without any hesitation!  Even with claws directed at me from every angle, I still insist some women take their love for makeup to another level.  We understand women have an urge to look more attractive but seriously, this is just ridiculous now! I don’t think I’m the only guy who finds this strange – I simply can’t imagine any guy with kind words for women who pile their faces with truck loads of makeup.  Let me make it clear - my problem isn’t with makeup. It’s with women who decorate their faces like they are at some kind of freak show or auditioning for some really bad horror movie. Why is it women do not believe it when guys tell them that the natural look is so much better? You might think you are pimping up your looks but let me tell you, you are just destroying your face. All I see when a woman with heavy makeup comes my way is an insecure, high maintenance, wannabe ragdoll!  I think I speak for most men when I say we love a woman who is confident and doesn’t need buckets of makeup to feel pretty. Some of us would rather wrestle with a rhino than socialize with a woman with bright red lips, purple eye shadow and green cheeks. Are you a clown? Look at yourself in the mirror and see if your face makes sense with all that chaos on it. When your man asks you not to wear too much makeup, it’s not because he wants to control you (or make you less attractive to other men), he just cares about you so much that the thought of people making fun at you is just too much to handle. It also means he doesn’t want to be laughed at along with you! You don’t need all that. Be confident and it is that aspect that will make you attractive, not makeup from The Adam’s Family! Again, I’m certain that your man will appreciate that so do not fear that he will dash for the door the second it’s off. Fashion writer, Ocean Dean, once lightheartedly suggested women should eat their make up to be beautiful on the inside. It was not to be taken literally but it also made some sense because the most important beauty is what’s inside.