Understanding women is not rocket science

I suspect I’m not the only one who finds it unattractive when grown men get involved in hopeless chitchat. To be specific, I hate it when I hear men asking, “what do women want”? I always imagine they lack what to do or talk about.

Thursday, September 20, 2012
Alinda Lillian Munanura

I suspect I’m not the only one who finds it unattractive when grown men get involved in hopeless chitchat. To be specific, I hate it when I hear men asking, "what do women want”? I always imagine they lack what to do or talk about.Do not mistake me for an eavesdropper but I overheard a couple of men gossiping, the subject of their tittle-tattle was a girl who had dumped one of them and settled for an older man. My affection for gossiping aside, it was the mention of the words "dumped” and "older man” that forced me to join this conversation. I felt like it was my sworn duty to put my views across. And even though they did not let me talk, at least I got to see how shallow they were.First, none of these men was below the age of 30; secondly, I can totally see why the girl dumped the loser. Who wants to be with a man that just hangs around other men asking lame ass questions like ‘what do women want’ and does not even give a woman (me) a chance to speak?Anyway, I do not believe that it takes a rocket scientist to deconstruct the complex emotions that make up the female mind. It is as easy as ABC, men are either slow or thick.In most relationships, women give their all - that is if they are truly into you. Women settle for the lamest of guys, we even put up with some unspeakable things that our friends and families do not approve of, but we are always ready to tell them off just in the name of loving our men. But what do we get in return? Lying cheating scoundrels, who in most cases have nothing to offer but questions of what we want. Shouldn’t the same question be posed to the men as well? I would pay anything to get a tutorial on what men want.Call me ungallant but I wouldn’t mind a man with a chocolate covered ‘member’- ejaculating hundred dollar bills and, to be honest, neither would most women! But then, believe it or not, there is something that tops that - unconditional love and care. Money can go to hell and it can be closely followed by all the material things that the world has to offer, we all know that those things perish.Here’s the deal - put us before that Arsenal match, show us that we are the most important thing that ever happened to you. All we ask for is appreciation and love. Do not love us in silence - please be sure to remind us all the time. And if you love and care for us, share the money too.