Anyone can improve customer service

Editor, Well said, Right Hon Prime Minister, I would like to supplement by saying that improving customer servic

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Editor,Well said, Right Hon Prime Minister, I would like to supplement by saying that improving customer service does not need one to have a PhD or a masters degree holder. Anyone can improve customer service, if all people in Government ministries, banks, hotels, restaurants and other various institutions can only behave like these people in the markets (Kimironko, Rwamagana and the like) customer service would improve tremendously. Having said that, we should also remember that Rome was not built in one day, we are on the right track and let us keep going. God bless Rwandans.Andrew Cohen, Kicukiro


Editor,People in government offices should stop behaving in the old archaic ‘boss’ way. They should be aware that they are public servants and learn to serve ordinary people because the bosses are their customers, i.e. the ordinary muturage.Fred -------------------------------Editor, Thank you Rt. Hon. PM! Rwandans definitely deserve better customer service! Improving customer service may be one of the last major hurdles Rwandan businesses and civil servants need to overcome, before we top competitiveness rankings!Ndoli Ngabo (Reactions to the opinion, ‘Customer Service in Rwanda: A lot more still needs to be done’, authored by Prime Minister Pierre Damien Habumuremyi and published in The New Times issue of September 19)