Your size doesn’t matter… keep exercising

It doesn’t matter if you are a skinny as a feather, you still need to exercise and keep fit.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Thin women should always exercise. Net photo.

It doesn’t matter if you are a skinny as a feather, you still need to exercise and keep fit. Fitness isn’t only for overweight people. Most women believe that exercising is only for people struggling with weight. However, this is just a worrying misconception, as everyone, regardless of size, needs to exercise and keep fit.Staying fit isn’t only for weight loss but also for keeping a healthy body and mind.Nelson Mukasa, a gym instructor at Health and Fitness Centre, Alpha Palace Hotel says that every woman must take sometime off to exercise despite their size or age.He says that exercising has quite a number of advantages that are beneficial to all.Mukasa adds that exercising refreshes the mind and improves blood circulation in the body. He says that all women should exercise at least thrice a week. "Exercising isn’t only for weight loss. It keeps you in good shape in both body and mind. It also helps strengthen the bones,” he said.This doesn’t necessarily have to be at a gym. You can take some time off to jog for at least 30minutes every day, 3 days a week. Feel free to hit the gym and use the services of a gym instructor.Exercise for women, has also been proven to alleviate depression, boost one’s immune system and help prevent colon cancer, according to the Broadband Gym website.Mukasa adds that being slender shouldn’t be the only reason to work out – staying healthy and fit is an even bigger inspiration. There is no guarantee that being slender means being healthy. There are slender people actually suffering from more sickness than some ‘not so slim’ people who are completely healthy and disease free.According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, being slim does not mean slim you can get away with not exercising because there is still a risk of heart problems risk.Habitual exercisers (regardless of size) are believed to live longer than thin people. Therefore if you want to keep healthy, exercise at least thrice a week.