Some men really mean what they say and say what they mean

There is the stereotype that men are just ‘orators’ – apparently everything that comes from their mouths are just words with no meaning to them!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012
gentlemen mean what they say. Net Photo.

There is the stereotype that men are just ‘orators’ – apparently everything that comes from their mouths are just words with no meaning to them! A while ago, I met a nice lady and everything was going well.  She was really cool. I enjoyed her company and as time went by, I started having feelings for her. One perfect night when the sky was so clear and bright, we decided to make good use of the beautiful night - I walked her home. When we got to her gate, naturally, I gave her a hug and to be honest, I didn’t want to let go. I really wanted to tell her just how much I loved spending time with her and that I cared about her deeply. However, a thought came to me - "What if she thinks I am just saying this to try and get naughty with her? After all, that is what women think most men do!” I decided against it, swallowed my poetic words and said goodnight.It’s true some men just say things they don’t mean just to capture a woman’s heart or for other reasons known only to them, but real men don’t. Why should I pay the price for someone else’s ill will? It’s becoming hard for us to tell women how we feel because we know she won’t believe it. I refuse to be thrown into the same bloody wagon with every guy who feeds women with lies for his own selfish agenda. Not all of us are like that!