Be careful how you come across

Dear Its a Guy Thing, I have started dating this new guy I met about a month ago and things are going well. However, like everyone I have pet peeves.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dear Its a Guy Thing,I have started dating this new guy I met about a month ago and things are going well. However, like everyone I have pet peeves. My pet peeve is loud people in public. He will talk really loud to the waiters or cashiers and honestly its embarrassing. I understand its part of his character but I like him apart from the lack of an indoor voice. How do I approach him about trying to talk lower to people without sounding rude? Samantha------------------------------------Dear Samantha,While it seems like an easy problem, that is the furthest thing from the truth. This is because your friend might not think that he is loud. So, mentioning it might make him embarrassed and defensive. If you want to mention this I advise that you do it in private, when the both of you are comfortable in each other’s company. "Shushing” him in public will not end well for either of you. If you talk to each other in private, you can gently tell him what he does. He probably doesn’t know he’s being so loud. If he simply can’t change, then you must ask yourself, can you stand that? Or is it something that is a no-go area? At the end of the day, it’s about what you can stand. If you have any queries, contact