UN diplomats fly in for ‘One UN’ project

The permanent representatives of Tanzania and Ireland at the United Nations will tomorrow visit Rwanda to assess One UN Rwanda pilot project.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The permanent representatives of Tanzania and Ireland at the United Nations will tomorrow visit Rwanda to assess One UN Rwanda pilot project.

According to a UN statement, Augustine Mahiga and Paul Kavanagh’s visit is part of a tour of several ‘One UN’ pilot countries. It is aimed at assessing the progress of the ‘Delivering as One UN’ initiative.

The diplomats have been appointed by the president of the UN General Assembly to work towards agreement among the 192 UN member states to take the UN reform process forward.

The statement said that during ambassadors’ three day visit, they will meet with high level Government officials.

Both Mahiga and Kavanagh as well as UN Resident Coordinator in Rwanda and Rwandan Government officials will address the media at the end of their visit.

Rwanda was selected as one of the pilot countries for "One UN-Delivering as One" reform in January 2007.

The programme was signed by the Government and UN agencies in November 2007 and made effective in January 2008.
