RSSP phase III to boost agricultural output

A World Bank funded project, Rural Sector Support project, has received a grant of over US$80m for its third phase aimed at increasing rural investment, infrastructure for marshland, hillside and commodity chain development.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Farmers in a rice production. The New Times / File.

A World Bank funded project, Rural Sector Support project, has received a grant of over US$80m for its third phase aimed at increasing rural investment, infrastructure for marshland, hillside and commodity chain development.Jolly Dusabe, Coordinator for RSSP, says that the project will invest in construction of agribusiness centres to boost market value chain for produces and sustainable land management on hillsides."This third phase will build on the success of the first and second phase but also look at increasing Increase agricultural production in those marshlands we are targeting and strengthen participation of farmers in market based value chains,” she said  Dusabe further adds that the project will focus at strengthening   the capacity of farmers to be to shift to market oriented farming at levels of producer, cooperatives and business centres, something that is likely to bolster market value chain for most produces. The project will also focus on building capacity of farmers’ organisations and cooperatives through group formation with improved production technologies."We will also look at improving production in the marshlands and hillsides adjacent to marshlands,” she saidOmowunmi Mimi Ladipo, the World Bank Country Representative for Rwanda said that the project has helped in value addition to farm produce."This financing will go towards achieving a consolidation of achievement under the Rural Sector Support Project  1 and 2 and the third phase will act in many ways the bridge to what comes up next for Rwanda in moving up the value chain….,” she added  The RSSP five year first phase which started in 2001 was US$48m while the second phase, which run through 2008 to 2012 was US$35m. This accelerated commercialisation of agriculture production.Speaking at the launch of the project’s third phase on Monday, the Minister of Agriculture, Agnes Kalibata, said that the project has contributed towards enhancing economic lives of the rural poor."By the end of the third phase we should be generating about Rwf60 billion every year from project related activities,” she saidThe Minister also noted that the project has helped in increasing rice production, bolstering the country’s food security. The country rice production capacity stands at 47,000 metric tonnes every year up from less than 5,000 before 2001. The output is 8,000 metric tonnes short of the country’s annual consumption of 55,000 tonnes.