How to promote your business

Previously, I have advised on how to acquire capital for your business and how to start one. Today, let’s see how best you can promote your growing business and increase on your turnover.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Previously, I have advised on how to acquire capital for your business and how to start one. Today, let’s see how best you can promote your growing business and increase on your turnover.First, you must understand that for every business to grow, there is need to attract more customers, minimise costs and create a new image.So how do you do that? Choosing the right methods to market, advertise and conduct a public relations campaign can help you promote your business but this would do well once you decide on the best way to do it. The issue is how you go about this. Think of using brochures, letterheads and flyers. Relay the information you need people to know about your business, provide your location and products you deal in and them explain these in simple and clear language. You need to know the questions that people may ask about your business and try to answer these in your brochure.Again, try using a mobile phone network and social media like Facebook and Twitter. These media are cheaper but would send your message instantaneously. Create pages for your products, invite people, seek their views and comments and make sure you provide feedback as quickly as possible.Most importantly, much as these channels are good for marketing, they may be pose a challenge to your business. So, always concentrate on business aspects and avoid personalising issues.  When sending messages, ensure that you thank the receiver and then add their names and interests at the start of the message.Avoid the use of words like ‘cheap products’, ‘we stock everything’ among many others because con artists and companies tend to use such phrases on the Internet. Be unique and use simple language that easily understood by your audience.Imagine when you make your product or service being branded on cars, hotels, T-shirts and billboards? This may sounds expensive but it is feasible even with little funds. Scrutinise places you may locate your clients like hotels and enter into partnership with their managers. Swapping is an important means to market your products.You can also approach a company and sell the idea of jointly printing of T-shirts to reach out to many people. For instance, if you manufacture drinking straws, you can approach a beverage company and jointly print T-shirts or appear billboards. Imagine of a T-shirt inscripted as follows - A cadila straw with a cold drude soda is the best ever.Also, try to attract more people to disseminate your messages by providing incentives. You can always give bonuses, commissions to marketers.