Do your words make or break people?

The bitter pain of a word spoken against others can hurt them for a lifetime, long after a fractured bone has healed.

Thursday, September 13, 2012
Women are known to enjoy gossip. Net photo.

The bitter pain of a word spoken against others can hurt them for a lifetime, long after a fractured bone has healed.Many a time, we make careless comments, judgements and utter bitter words about others without necessarily caring about how they will feel. Sometimes we say these bitter words in their presence and at times behind their backs.Every idle word you say in life will cost you at some point in life. When you are the kind that loves to discuss other people’s issues, then you simply have a weak ego and small mind.Eleanor Roosevelt put it perfectly when she said that, ‘Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people.’Well, according to her, you have a small mind if you love to discuss people, and if I may add, if you derive pleasure and satisfaction in discussing negative things about others, you’re simply weak. We all know one or two people that blubber about everything so none of their business. The ugly habit was then only common amongst women/girls, but for some reason, some men have jumped on the ugly wagon.When you derive pleasure from saying negative things about people, it says a lot about your heart and more so portrays you as the perfect person to avoid.We all have that one colleague that only enjoys discussing negative things about others, like they are perfect. They never have a good thing to say about anyone else! The world we live in is far from perfect. While spreading malicious rumours and lazy gossip about others, let’s not forget that we are not any good either.If you think someone is living a messed up life, it won’t do any good to any of you if you go around gossiping about them. The best you can do if you’re really concerned is to go and confront them and tell them exactly what you feel about their actions or simply shut up and just call it holding your peace.Gossiping was a habit commonly known for house cleaners and a bunch of other idle people, but the ugly habit has cropped up in people who should have way more important things to do. I am talking about office gossip, which is common in most work places. Be mindful of the words you say about others. If they are going to break them, then keep your mouth shut and if they’ll help them, then go on and talk.